Cool and Clean: Mastering 'Round' Syntax in Notion Formulas

September 14, 2023

Hey there, number lovers! 🎉

Ever come across this ugly: 33.3333333333%? Oh yes, it's the superstar of numbers, and we've all seen it one too many times, right? But why, oh why, does it have to be this way? It's like the number version of an overcrowded bus—ugly and chaotic. 🚌

Let me spill some beans about my past—I used to be an accountant. Yes, I've seen this number in all its unattractive glory. It's especially painful when people decide to slap it onto reports or analyses. But here's the kicker—there's a magical button on calculators that can reduce this number to a neat one or two decimals. Why don't people use it? I'll never understand.

Yes, it's completely normal, and yes, it's readable. But what's up with it acting like it owns the place on your screen? It's like a rogue robot taking over your PC! 🤖

And guess what? This ugliness even creeps into Notion. Please, don't tell me you're guilty of it too! Even though Notion provides a solution, we seem to have a case of "lazinessitis."

But fear not, my friends, I'm here to rescue you from the clutches of ugly numbers! 🦸

Here's the secret sauce: Notion has a nifty little syntax called "round" in its formulas. It can show your numbers without those pesky decimals, giving you the right information in a clean, cool, and readable format.

Let me show you how it's done:

round(property a / property b)

Looks pretty sleek, doesn't it? But since we're often dealing with percentages, we need a tiny calculation trick:

round(property a / property b * 100) / 100

Now, that's a sight for sore eyes, right? 😎

Have you tried it yet? If not, stop what you're doing and give it a whirl. Fix all your formulas in your free time—trust me, it's worth it.

If you've already given it a shot, kudos to you! Have you seen the transformation? Whether it's in a table or on cards, your numbers will be a delight to behold and a breeze to read.

Alright, alright, I'll stop yakking now. But do me a favor, promise me you won't subject yourself or anyone else to the horror of 33.3333333333% ever again. You deserve better!

Wishing you a day as beautiful as your clean, rounded numbers,

Fayed out 🚀

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